My way of doing radical modern magick for the last few years has been a very silent way.
A non-doing way.
It’s been more about learning how to not do things.
How to have self-control and restraint.
Inner alchemy is difficult to describe as my experience of it is via senses that cross with the body, the energy moving through the body, and unknown other spaces or dimensions while suspending all thought as best as possible. I carefully take note of what pops into my awareness. I often sense a lot of alchemical processes in my energy field: rushing, bubbling, burning, floating, cooling, and such. It’s just like a whole chemistry lab, but all of it in my one body, layered.
Much of my continued learning as a mystic has been short bursts of series of events showing me the way: a post here, a movie there, an experience here, a field report there, a thought out of the blue here, and a harmony of A-HAs everywhere.
Two years ago, it was about the arrival of rainbow seraphim and the subsequent great divide.
Last year, it was about being in the eye of the storm so that one could pass through the eye of the needle.
This year is about only what I can describe as communion with the first source, or God if you will. It is about remembering who we really are and where we have come from, why we are here, and letting go of the mental and emotional constructs that keep us limited.
The eye of the needle part was about testing our egos and seeing if we were going to let our idea of what is supposed to be for us lead the way or surrender to the flow of higher consciousness to lead the way. It’s a good thing I already studied the Tao and Taoist practices a long while ago. I have found the information and practice to be extremely beneficial throughout my life, especially now.
Just this past weekend, my heart was pierced. A flow has started to grow. It is an immaculate sensation when I get it going—divinity. Of course, the expansion bubble has since closed into a contraction since my last A-HA moment. It is time to put that pearl of knowing to the test in the flesh and do the things I saw I should be doing on a daily basis, whether I feel that divine awareness or not.