One morning as I was waking up I was dreaming of a word, white on black, and I had the emphatic sense that it was imperative I remember this word upon waking. It turned out to be Shekinah. I had never heard of this word before, so off researching, I went. I then went on to get serious again about clearing up my energy field, expanding my psychic abilities, and connecting with the divine.
One night, about six months later, as I was meditating, I was overcome by energetic unknotting moving out of stored places within me out into my emotional body. I ended up rolling around on the floor contorted in emotional pain, whining and crying, attempting to allow it to rise up and out as I had been instructed by the mentor I had been working with every Saturday for some months, also a Wingmaker. All I remember was that it was excruciating.
At some point, as I was laying on the floor catching my breath, wondering how long this was going to go on, the energetic sensations shifted. All attention was on my back. The backside of the heart chakra. There were sensations pressing on my body there from the inside out. The pain had been concentrated there, but it was more like pressure than pain at this point. As I was wondering what the fuck was going on the intensity increased again, and again I was rolling around on the floor, covering my face, not really in pain anymore, but in extreme discomfort as energy shifted and moved, my wings sprouted.
Two huge beautiful brand new wings. I was in disbelief. Like seriously… Whaaaaat, people get wings?! The pain was gone. I sat up and resumed meditative space. I was at peace.
Almost immediately I began to feel a warm energetic sensation expand from my root chakra. It was intense, energetic, and erotic. Then it began to rise. As it rose, every single cell of my body that was being activated by it was sent into orgasmic pleasure. Not concentrated around the sacral chakra, but EVERY SINGLE CELL throughout my body. It was a steady rise up, with just a little slow down at the heart chakra.
When it got to my throat chakra there were issues. I could feel it get stuck in a nasty block. It was trying to get through the knot there and it took a while. Finally, it poked a tiny hole through and was able to send a trickling stream through. Nowhere near the intensity of the first 4 chakras. It quickly went all the way up to my crown chakra to touch it, then sank back down into my heart where it concentrated again.
The sensation was so very erotic and intense and blissful. Then it exploded.
All of a sudden I was surrounded by whirling vortexual energies. My heart was in a perpetual orgasmic state. My skin tingled in bliss. Every cell inside of me was singing. I could sense the energy whirling and whirling in a 3-foot radius all around my heart center.
This state lasted for one and a half months. Serious perpetual full-body/aura/heart orgasm. Every waking moment. I learned how to tone it down or turn it up by way of energy field holding and focus of attention. I was still holding a lower consciousness perception and had 3 children to tend to, and errands to run, so after so much tuning it down to manage mundane life it eventually became too hard to tune it back up again.
After sharing my story, another Wingmakers contact immediately gifted me the cost of a Flower of Life workshop to learn Drunvalo Melchizedek’s Merkabah meditation via facilitators. The price was $333, and that is a different story.